Announce - définition. Qu'est-ce que Announce
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Announce - définition

Knock-and-announce requirement; Knock and announce; No-knock

1) (B) they announced the news to the reporters
2) (L; to) the president of the firm announced (to the employees) that there would be a bonus
·vt To Pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.
II. Announce ·vt To give public notice, or first notice of; to make known; to Publish; to Proclaim.
v. a.
Publish, proclaim, blazon, promulgate, declare, report, trumpet, advertise, communicate, set forth, give out, blaze abroad, noise abroad, herald abroad, spread abroad, give notice of, make proclamation of, lay before the public, bring to the notice of the public.



Knock-and-announce, in United States law criminal procedure, is an ancient common law principle, incorporated into the Fourth Amendment, which requires law enforcement officers to announce their presence and provide residents with an opportunity to open the door prior to a search.

The rule is currently codified in the United States Code, which governs Fourth Amendment searches conducted by the federal government. Most states have similarly codified the rule into their own statutes, and remain free to interpret or augment the rule and its consequences in any fashion that remains consistent with Fourth Amendment principles. A state's knock-and-announce rule will govern searches by state actors pursuant to state-issued warrants, assuming that Federal actors are not extensively involved in the search.

Exemples de prononciation pour Announce
1. announce it.
Wild _ Cheryl Strayed _ Talks at Google
2. was that you announce things-- you don't announce things
Haunted Empire - Apple After Steve Jobs _ Yukari Iwatani Kane _ Talks at Google
3. and announce it.
BALLS - It Takes Some to Get Some _ Chris Edwards _ Talks at Google
4. Don't announce it yet.
Joel Kahn _ Talks at Google
5. quite ready to announce.
Israeli Soul - Easy, Essential, Delicious _ Steven Cook & Michael Solomonov _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Announce
1. In September, the group called a news conference to announce that it had nothing to announce.
2. A committee supervising the elections has yet to announce a date when candidates can officially announce they are running.
3. "When I have something to announce, I‘ll announce it," Gregory replied, using a standard line of President Bush‘s spokesmen.
4. And yet I cheer his announcement that he might announce he is going to announce –– something like that.
5. Others unexpectedly announce commission fees on transactions.